Sources of electromagnetic interference
Durable touchscreens for demanding applications

Reduce EMC susceptibility to interference

However, in order to be able to guarantee EMC at all, the interference mechanisms must be known.

In addition to the natural sources of interference, such as lightning, there are different types of coupling:

  • Galvanic : Coupling of two circuits through a common current path.
  • Capacitive (electrical coupling): coupling of two circuits via an alternating electric field. Occurs mainly in the high-frequency range.
  • Inductive (magnetic coupling): coupling of two circuits via an alternating magnetic field. Occurs mainly in the low-frequency range.
  • Radiation coupling (electromagnetic coupling): emission of wave fields with electric and magnetic field strength.

Testing according to the product standard

Testing touchscreens and touch systems for electromagnetic compatibility as early as the prototype phase is part of our Reliability Engineering approach.

In the case of proof of conformity according to the product standards, EMC tests with regard to interference emission and immunity are carried out by EM fields in a special anechoic chamber. Since all EM symptoms are checked, a relatively small amount of documentation is required for this procedure. A test report with a final evaluation is created.