Industrijski monitor
Večtehnološko podjetje 3M je pred kratkim predstavilo svoj novi 65" Metal Mesh PCAP zaslon na dotik na digitalni signage EXPO (DSE 2016) v Las Vegasu. Po mnenju proizvajalca bodo zasloni na voljo v velikosti 32 - 65".
Posebnost tehnologije, ki jo predstavlja 3M, je preboj prejšnjih ovir v smislu…
Zaslon na dotik
V zadnjih letih je multi-touch tehnologiji uspelo revolucionizirati hmi industrijo s pametnimi telefoni, tabličnimi računalniki in podobno ter navdihniti širšo družbo.
Kateri zaslon na dotik za multitouch?
Multitouch samo po sebi pomeni, da lahko dve ali več dotiknih točk hkrati sprožita dotike na…
Impactinator® steklo
Linear thermal expansion is a critical factor to consider in environments with wide temperature requirements. The problem is caused by different [thermal expansion coefficients of the touch screen materials] or the bezel structure.
##Basic Knowledge
Impactinator® steklo
Heat Treating: Where the annealed glass is subjected to a special heat treatment in which it is heated to about 680°C and afterwards cooled.
Chemical Strengthening: The glass is covered by a chemical solution which produces a higher mechanical resistance. Chemically - strengthened glass has similar…
Impactinator® steklo
a coating, which reduces the specular reflectance of a surface by increasing the diffuse reflectance from that surface
Zaslon na dotik
Drift - a gradual loss of accuracy in the alignment of a touchscreen system. Over time, touches to the screen will gradually drift, or move away, from their proper on-screen targets. If the alignment of a touchscreen becomes poor, the touchscreen will need to be calibrated to restore proper…
Impactinator® steklo
Gloss Level - a measure of the amount of non-specularly or diffusely reflected light from a surface. A highly diffuse surface has a low gloss level.
Zaslon na dotik
Decibel (dB) - a unit of power loss or attenuation used in EMI/RFI shielding:
1 decibel = 10 log (Power in/Power out).
A 3dB loss is a fifty percent power reduction.
Impactinator® steklo
Steklo je anorganski, nekovinski material, ki nima kristalne strukture. Takšni materiali se imenujejo amorfni in so praktično trdne tekočine, ki se tako hitro hladijo, da kristali ne morejo nastanek.
Tipična očala segajo od soda-limetnega silikatnega stekla za steklene steklenice do izredno…
Impactinator® steklo
Hydrofluoric acid is a solution of hydrogen fluoride in water. While it is extremely corrosive and dangerous to handle, it is technically a weak acid. Hydrogen fluoride, often in the aqueous form as hydrofluoric acid, is a valued source of fluorine, being the precursor to numerous pharmaceuticals (…
An introduction into the various common types of touch screen technology and the method of their operation. Strengths and weaknesses of each technology will also be discussed to provide a better understanding as to which type would be best to use in any given application.
Impactinator® steklo
Ohms/square (?/_) - the measure of electrical resistance of a coating.
Impactinator® steklo
Indij-Tin oksid (ITO) - je v nemško govorecih državah znan kot indij-pločevin oksid. Polprevodna kemična snov.
Impactinator® steklo
Caustic chemicals that can destroy or severely damage the flesh on contact. Such chemicals include various inorganic and organic acids and bases. The most familiar chemicals called caustics are sodium hydroxide (caustic soda, or lye) and potassium hydroxide (caustic potash). Other chemicals are…
MIL-STD-461E: DOD Interface Standard Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics of Subsystems and Equipment (August 20, 1999)
Consolidates MIL-STD-461D and MIL-STD-462D into one Standard. EUT hardware and software must be representative of production.…
Impactinator® steklo
a coating, which reduces the reflectance of a surface by better optical coupling to the surface and therefore increasing the overall transmittance
Impactinator® steklo
Haze je optični parameter, ki se uporablja za opis raztresenosti materiala ali optične strukture.
The touch screen surface is unaffected by exposure to the following chemicals for a period of one hour at 22 degrees C, 45% relative humidity.
Zaslon na dotik
Kot grobo smernico lahko izračunate 6400 $ enkratne stroške. Poleg tega je nakup približno 50 kosov vaših posameznih zaslonov na dotik.
Te vrednosti se lahko spremenijo, če so izbrane posebne možnosti za kupca, kot so:
optični protiosebni premazi
debeline s posebnimi substratnimi…
Zaslon na dotik
Če upravljate krmilnik prek USB, zunanji napajalnik ni potreben. Krmilnik se napaja neposredno preko USB avtobusa. Pri delovanju preko RS232 potrebujete zunanji napajalnik +5V.
Z našimi standardnimi krmilniki za 4.5 in 8 analognih zaslonov na dotik je treba pin 4 na voljo z +5V. Dodelitev pin…