Touchscreen Kiosk

Touchscreen kiosk systems and vending machines are preferably used in retail, wholesale and in the financial sector. They are ideally suited to:

  • Make workflows more efficient and easier
  • Save on personnel costs
  • and to be available around the clock.

Clear, simple, robust

Clear operation and easy handling are particularly important for self-service by the customer. Interelectronix produces special touchscreens for the following fields of application.


  • unattended outdoor kiosk systems
  • Indoor kiosk
  • Point of Sales (POS)
  • Point of Information/Interest (POI)
  • Transfer terminals
  • ATMs indoor/outdoor
    Touchscreen Kiosk fuer Banken und Handel 
We know what demands are placed on a touchscreen kiosk, which is why our touchscreens are equipped with an extra robust microglass surface for this purpose.

As a supplier of touchscreen vending machines and kiosk systems, Interelectronix has many years of experience. We are a competent partner for retailers as well as financial and credit institutions.