Design - Design concepts a black and grey cart with a screen


Embedded HMI Systems



In an ever-expanding global marketplace, where new providers continually emerge, the brand image of a product is becoming a critical factor in purchase decisions. This trend is equally relevant in both industrial and consumer markets. By implementing a consistent product design strategy, companies can achieve high recognition for their products and brands, significantly influencing consumer choices. Therefore, incorporating product design into a company’s corporate identity and marketing toolkit is essential for staying competitive and appealing to discerning customers in today’s advanced business environment.


Interelectronix specializes in the application-specific development of high-quality and technically sophisticated touch displays, industrial touchscreens and industrial PCs. It combines innovative technology and market-driven product design, idea and strategy, innovation and creativity into a convincing whole and offers sophisticated and individually designed system solutions. Interelectronix is an ideal partner for innovative start-ups and companies that are at the beginning of product development and are looking for a powerful partner who has a high level of competence in the development and production of touch systems and can also develop innovative product design and ergonomically perfect user interfaces.

Design - Let us impress you a close-up of a hand touching a touch screen

Let us

impress you

Brand Image

Product & Brand

In a global market, the brand image of a product plays an increasingly vital role in influencing purchase decisions. A consistently implemented product design strategy enhances the product’s and brand’s recognition value, significantly impacting consumer choices. Integrating product design into the corporate identity and using it as a key marketing tool is essential for a forward-thinking company. This strategic approach not only strengthens brand loyalty but also drives market competitiveness and long-term business success.

Design - Design Quality a black rectangular object with a blue and yellow image

Design Quality

the message of the product

As products become more sophisticated, it becomes increasingly difficult for buyers to assess their quality based solely on appearance. This complexity highlights the need for products to communicate quality through a well-executed design. A product with a clear, impressive design acts as a visual guarantee, signaling quality and reliability to consumers. In a crowded market with numerous options, a thoughtfully crafted design not only catches the eye but also builds trust, making it easier for consumers to recognize and feel confident in the product’s value. This emphasis on design as a marker of quality is crucial, as it guides buyers in making informed choices, ensuring they select products that meet their expectations and needs.

Design - Usability a hand touching a touch screen
The product in context

An innovative and intuitive operating concept provides noticeable competitive advantages and product superiority. Unfortunately, many manufacturers neglect the importance of user-friendly device interfaces, opting instead for numerous technical features that users seldom utilize due to their complicated activation processes. Interelectronix, however, distinguishes itself by prioritizing user-friendly, innovative, and intuitive operating concepts. This approach not only grants them significant competitive advantages and product superiority but also ensures their devices are feature-rich, accessible, and easy to use, thereby greatly enhancing the overall user experience and solidifying their market position.


The product in series production

Interelectronix offers product design services that focus on matching shapes, materials, and manufacturing processes to ensure resource-efficient and economical production. The company offers design- and function-oriented materials, cost-optimized manufacturing processes, minimized material and energy costs, consideration of DIN standards, set-up costs and minimization of material variety and effort. These goals are important in Interelectronix's product design.

Design - Shaping the Future a screen shot of a digital display

Shaping the future

Intelligent operating concepts

Clever UI/UX design

The user interface (UI) is the most critical communication interface for operating a device. An intuitive and appealing UI leads users to perceive a device as technically high-quality. Conversely, a complex and error-prone UI makes a device seem inferior. Overloaded controls or slow response times further detract from the device’s quality. Users often associate UI ergonomics with technical excellence, making UI and usability vital success factors. Surprisingly, many companies overlook this aspect. Interelectronix specializes in crafting modern, intuitive UIs, driving the long-term success of touch systems.

User Interface Design
Development - UI Composition a close-up of a graph

User Interface Design

Modern and understandable

Individual operating concepts

Operating concepts are dependent on the touch technology used, the requirements for operation, the sequence of inputs to be made, the input speed, the reaction time and susceptibility to errors of a touch system, as well as the operating and environmental conditions on site. An intelligent operating concept is not only based on a visually well-designed user interface, but also on numerous criteria that determine whether a user interface is perceived as ergonomically pleasant and intuitive. Interelectronix achieves this by formulating requirements through a requirements analysis and a functional specification.


Interelectronix excels in sheet metal housing development, from design to construction, creating plug-and-play touch monitor systems and industrial PCs. They guide clients in optimizing housings for specific applications and future conditions, selecting suitable materials and manufacturing processes. Interelectronix focuses on integrating connections, ventilation, and water resistance, ensuring designs meet high-quality standards in functionality and aesthetics. With expertise in 3D CAD construction, they create durable, aesthetically pleasing housings tailored to each application, emphasizing quick installation and environmental protection.

Design - Good design is honest a close-up of a screen

Good design is honest

Product and brand image

Product and brand image is not only achieved through advertising and glossy brochures, but concretely through the product itself. Design and shaping as well as appealing materials and high-quality surface treatments are increasingly decisive for a product image and success in the market.

Holistic product design is becoming more and more important for the product image as well as for the purchase decision. Only when aesthetics, function, innovation and cost-effectiveness are right can a brand operate successfully.

Following this premise, Interelectronix develops device concepts for touch systems that are not limited to functionality and technical specifications, but explicitly take into account aesthetic design and appealing materials. This claim is implemented both in the areas visible to the user and in the inner housing.

HMI - Charger Box a screenshot of a cell phone


Every pixel counts

Software-based UI development

Projected capacitive touch technology offers remarkable opportunities for developing innovative and user-friendly operating concepts. Interelectronix leverages this technology to create well-thought-out and intuitive interfaces tailored to the application and target market, whether utilizing multi-touch or dual-touch detection. With a focus on software-based user interface concepts, their in-house software development team ensures rapid creation, implementation, and optimal hardware compatibility. Additionally, Interelectronix interfaces can be future-proofed with software updates, ensuring devices remain equipped with the latest technological advancements.

Development - You love colors We also milled parts painted a group of colorful rectangular objects

Do you love colors?

That special something

User interface concepts and designs are not just for the functional operation of touch systems but also aim to be intuitive and straightforward. Increasingly, user interfaces are tasked with conveying a brand’s image or quality, as successful products rely not just on technical excellence but also on emotional appeal. Interelectronix specializes in developing innovative user interface concepts that enhance ease of use and add significant value to the product.

Most of Interelectronix’s designs are software-based, introducing new special effects and operational options that make touch systems intuitive and engaging. For POS applications, features include brighter screens when a user approaches or adaptive monitor lighting based on ambient conditions. Their software-based concepts also optimize complex input processes, preventing user errors by guiding them intuitively and offering appropriate corrections.

An intelligent user interface concept goes beyond an attractive design. Behind each Interelectronix interface are numerous considerations, often not immediately visible, but crucial for the optimal and successful operation of a touch system.

Development - UI Design a white rectangular object with numbers and letters

UI Design


Usability and the user experience play a decisive role in the acceptance of an HMI system in the market. Only when technology, product design and user interface as well as operability provide a coherent concept and trigger a positive user experience for the user, can innovative and market-successful HMI systems emerge. Our interdisciplinary team of experts in the fields of design, usability, ergonomics, software and hardware specialises in developing innovative usability concepts for capacitive and resistive touch systems. The result is an HMI product that offers the user a high degree of operating convenience as well as an outstanding user experience, thus generating significant added value for the provider. Because user experience makes the difference!


the poetry in the product

Design and appealing surface materials, which give a product its “special something,” often receive too little attention. In many industrial products, the primary focus remains on functionality and technical equipment. However, at Interelectronix, we believe that an attractive design, an intuitive user interface, and function-oriented technology can coexist harmoniously. By combining these elements, we create exceptional products that communicate quality and enhance brand image through modern design. This holistic approach ensures that aesthetics and functionality are seamlessly integrated.

Design - Design a cable a black rectangular table with a pole

All-in-one cable


Functional specification

The scope of functions for the operating concept is now meticulously defined and refined, ensuring that all specifications, actions, and interfaces are thoroughly described. Special focus is placed on the system functions to be activated, including the necessary input sequence, response time, and resulting ergonomics. These processes culminate in the system architecture of the operating concept, detailing all functions and input sequences. During a testing phase, the ergonomics and intuitive usability are evaluated, and based on the results, usability is optimized to enhance user experience.


Integrative product design is a holistic strategy that defines a functional and technological concept based on requirements analysis. The product design and user interface are determined by materials and design based on functional use, aesthetic criteria, and marketing strategies. Interelectronix's integrative product design concept leads to a wide range of competitive advantages, including innovation, functionality, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, production effort, and marketing aspects.


Ideas for the future

If you cease to innovate, your survival in the market becomes impossible. Stagnation in a dynamic environment spells doom. Numerous prominent companies have faced and continue to face this challenge. Interelectronix thrives by consistently focusing on future-oriented product ideas, utilizing innovative materials, and delivering technically advanced system solutions. This commitment to innovation is one of the company’s many strengths, ensuring they remain competitive and relevant in an ever-evolving industry.

Requirements analysis


The operating concept is clearly explained and follows standard guidelines for system environments and requirements. Necessary and optional requirements are listed separately. Each requirement is carefully analyzed to see if it is technically possible. This detailed approach makes sure that all important and desired features are understood and specified, ensuring they can be realistically implemented.


Intelligent solutions

Our product design at Interelectronix focuses on creating intelligent operating systems, modern housing designs, and efficient assembly processes. Our aim is to develop innovative system solutions, ensure rapid product development, and achieve economically viable production. By prioritizing these elements, we strive to deliver cutting-edge products that meet contemporary demands while maintaining cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency. Our approach integrates advanced technology and design principles to produce high-quality, market-ready products swiftly and economically.