Picture this: an electric vehicle driver pulls up to a charging station, eager to recharge their vehicle and get back on the road. But the screen on the charging station is cracked, unresponsive, and illegible. Frustration mounts as the driver struggles with an essential service that should be straightforward and reliable. At Interelectronix, we understand the critical importance of dependable EV charging infrastructure. Our expertise in rugged display solutions has led us to develop IK10-rated monitors that ensure your EV charging stations remain operational, secure, and user-friendly in any condition.

Unmatched Durability for Continuous Operation

EV charging stations are often located in public areas where they are exposed to various environmental and human-induced challenges. From extreme weather conditions to accidental impacts and deliberate acts of vandalism, these stations need robust components to remain functional. IK10 monitors are designed to withstand such harsh conditions. The IK10 rating signifies that these monitors can endure an impact of 20 joules, equivalent to the force of dropping a 5 kg weight from a height of 400 mm. This level of durability ensures that your charging stations can continue operating smoothly despite the inevitable bumps and knocks they will encounter.

The toughened glass and reinforced structures of IK10 monitors are specifically engineered to resist damage, providing a reliable interface for users. This means fewer interruptions, reduced maintenance needs, and more satisfied customers. For EV charging stations, where uptime is crucial, the durability of IK10 monitors translates directly to better service availability and increased user trust.

Enhanced Security and Vandalism Protection

Vandalism is a significant concern for any publicly accessible technology, and EV charging stations are no exception. The costs associated with repairing vandalized equipment and the lost revenue from downtime can be substantial. IK10 monitors offer a robust solution to these issues with their exceptional resistance to physical damage.

The toughened glass used in IK10 monitors is not only impact-resistant but also highly resistant to scratches and other forms of tampering. This makes it much more difficult for vandals to damage the screen, protecting the underlying components from harm. In addition to their physical robustness, these monitors can be integrated with advanced security features that prevent unauthorized access and tampering, ensuring that the stations remain secure and operational.

By deterring vandalism and protecting the internal electronics, IK10 monitors help maintain the integrity and reliability of EV charging stations. This enhanced security is crucial for maintaining customer confidence and ensuring that the charging infrastructure is always ready to serve the growing number of electric vehicle drivers.

Reduced Downtime and Maintenance Costs

Every moment an EV charging station is out of service due to a damaged screen is a moment it cannot serve customers, leading to lost revenue and potential damage to your brand's reputation. Frequent downtime not only frustrates users but also increases operational costs due to the need for constant repairs and maintenance. IK10 monitors significantly mitigate these issues by offering unparalleled durability and reliability.

The resilience of IK10 monitors reduces the frequency of screen-related failures, leading to fewer service interruptions. This, in turn, lowers the overall maintenance costs as the need for frequent repairs and replacements diminishes. The extended lifespan of these monitors ensures that the initial investment is amortized over a longer period, providing a more cost-effective solution in the long run.

By minimizing downtime and maintenance efforts, IK10 monitors help ensure that your EV charging stations are always available for use, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. This reliability is particularly important as the demand for EV charging infrastructure continues to grow, necessitating a dependable and efficient service.

Superior Performance in Harsh Conditions

EV charging stations are often installed in outdoor locations where they are subjected to extreme weather conditions, including heavy rain, high winds, freezing temperatures, and intense sunlight. These environmental factors can quickly degrade standard monitors, leading to operational failures and poor performance. IK10 monitors are designed to withstand these harsh conditions, ensuring reliable operation regardless of the environment.

The robust construction of IK10 monitors includes features that protect against temperature fluctuations, moisture, and UV radiation. This means they can function efficiently in both scorching heat and freezing cold, without the risk of condensation or overheating. Additionally, IK10 monitors are equipped with advanced display technology that ensures visibility even in bright sunlight, allowing users to interact with the charging station interface at any time of day.

By maintaining consistent performance in diverse conditions, IK10 monitors ensure that EV charging stations remain functional and user-friendly. This reliability is essential for building trust and satisfaction among electric vehicle drivers who rely on these stations for their recharging needs.

Versatility and Application Examples

While IK10 monitors are essential for EV charging stations, their durability and performance make them suitable for a wide range of other applications as well. These monitors can be used in various public-facing technologies where high durability and reliability are required.

Urban Charging Hubs

In urban areas where EV charging stations see heavy usage and are exposed to the elements and potential vandalism, IK10 monitors ensure continuous operation. These monitors can handle the high traffic and occasional rough handling typical of city environments, providing a dependable service to urban EV drivers.

Highway Charging Stations

Highway charging stations are critical for long-distance EV travel. These stations need to be operational at all times, regardless of weather conditions. IK10 monitors provide the durability and reliability needed to ensure that travelers can always find a functional charging point during their journeys.

Commercial Fleet Charging

Businesses with electric vehicle fleets require robust charging infrastructure that can withstand frequent use and occasional abuse. IK10 monitors are ideal for these commercial applications, ensuring that fleet vehicles are always ready to go, reducing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency.

Retail and Hospitality Charging Points

Retail centers and hospitality venues offering EV charging as an added service need reliable equipment to maintain customer satisfaction. IK10 monitors ensure that these charging stations are always operational, providing a seamless and convenient experience for customers.

Residential Complexes

Residential complexes offering shared EV charging stations benefit from the durability of IK10 monitors. These monitors can withstand the varied usage patterns and potential abuse that can occur in residential settings, ensuring that residents have reliable access to charging facilities.


In the rapidly evolving landscape of electric vehicle infrastructure, the reliability of EV charging stations is paramount. IK10 monitors offer unmatched durability, security, and performance, ensuring that your charging stations remain operational and user-friendly in any condition. Interelectronix's expertise in rugged display solutions guarantees that you are not just purchasing a product but investing in a reliable and long-lasting solution tailored to the unique challenges of your industry. Don't let your EV charging stations fall victim to the elements or vandalism—choose IK10 monitors and experience the difference. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how our solutions can elevate your business.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 10. June 2024
Reading time: 11 minutes