Mobile Data Capture
Touchscreens for mobile data collection

Touchscreen mobile Datenerfassung 

Not only the ease of use, but also the resistance and durability of the touch screen in a mobile data collection device is of great importance. Interelectronix manufactures touchscreens for mobile devices with the 4-wire ULTRA technology, which has a significantly increased service life compared to the 4-wire standard resistive technology conventionally used for mobile data acquisition. 4 wire ULTRA has a lifetime of 35 million touches per point, whereas the standard resistive 4 wire technology only assumes a lifetime of 1 million touches per point.

The durability of the borosilicate surface contributes to a large extent to the long service life and thus worthwhile investment in an ULTRA touchscreen from Interelectronix .

Scratch-resistant and impact-resistant 4 wire ULTRA touch screens

Mobile data collection devices are often used by untrained, changing personnel who do not necessarily treat the touchscreen with the utmost caution. Waiters or parcel deliverers are often in a hurry and therefore have little regard for the use of your work equipment. However, ULTRA touchscreens cannot be harmed by incorrect operation. Regardless of whether the touchscreen is operated with a ballpoint pen, long fingernails or credit cards, it does not scratch. In contrast to ULTRA touchscreens, conventional touchscreens scratch quickly due to incorrect operation and are therefore often covered with expensive protective films. ULTRA touchscreens do not require any protective films and are durable and cost-saving due to the robust microglass surface. The print-based ULTRA technology also ensures the universal usability of the touchscreen, even with thick gloves the panel works perfectly. Mobile devices are also often dropped due to carelessness, and must therefore be impact-resistant. ULTRA touchscreens are not only scratch-resistant, but also impact-resistant. Tests show that ULTRA touchscreens can easily and without damage survive an impact from a height of 1 m on concrete - no matter on which side the device hits. Thus, the touch panel of the mobile data acquisition device is optimally designed for incorrect operation and carelessness, can hardly be damaged, continues to function perfectly even with deep scratches and therefore does not need to be replaced.

Waterproof, dirt-repellent and EMC-compatible

Another criterion that our ULTRA touchscreens for mobile data collection devices meet is their insensitivity to moisture, dirt and cleaning agents. Parcel deliverers must be able to rely on the functionality of the touchscreen even in rainfall, waiters can easily tip a drink over the monitor, or the touchscreen monitor can otherwise get dirty. All this must not harm the screen. Conventional polyester (PET) laminations of the touchscreen surface are only water-repellent and are worn out by frequent contact with moisture and moisture and thus impair their function. Since our ULTRA touchscreens have a borosilicate glass surface, they are completely waterproof and dirt-repellent even after years. Cleaning mobile data collection devices is also no problem with ULTRA touchscreens, as even chemicals do not harm the robust surface.

Touchscreen mobile Datenerfassung 
For mobile measuring devices, Interelectronix ULTRA offers touch screens that are not hindered by any interference radiation from other devices, because the ULTRA touch solutions have such a high EMC compatibility that ULTRA is even used for sensitive defense technology.

Interelectronix manufactures 4-wire ULTRA touchscreens for mobile data acquisition according to your specifications and is at your disposal with a high level of development expertise - even for small batch sizes.