Factory data capture
Glass Touchscreens

Production data acquisition systems (PDA systems) are often operated directly on the production floors in order to be able to transmit data on the progress of the order immediately. These PC-based terminals and mobile PDA terminals are increasingly being equipped with touch screens to simplify and accelerate workflows.

Robuste Touchscreens für Betriebsdatenerfassung 

ULTRA Touchscreens for PDA systems

Since PDA systems process all processes from order data and equipment data to warehouse and material data, failures of individual terminals due to a damaged touchscreen are not acceptable. The ULTRA touchscreen from Interelectronix is therefore ideally suited for PDA systems due to its high resistance.

Robust, fail-safe, scratch and impact resistant surface

The robust borosilicate surface of the ULTRA touch panel ensures maximum reliability and long-term reliability even under the difficult conditions of the industrial environment. The high scratch resistance of the microglass even allows a PDA terminal to be operated in the field of metal processing, since even metal chips are not able to scratch the surface of the touchscreen.

ULTRA Touchscreens für BDE Terminals 
For mobile PDA terminals, Interelectronix uses 4-wire ULTRA touch screens to minimize the susceptibility to damage to the touch screen. The impact resistance of the robust surface ensures that a mobile device cannot be damaged by a fall. The dust and dirt of the production areas is also unproblematic for Interelectronix's touchscreens, because the surface can be cleaned not only with water, but also with chemical cleaning agents.

Can be operated with gloves

ULTRA touchscreens remain completely tight even after years and chemicals do not attack the surface. The patented ULTRA technology is pressure-based and can therefore also be operated with gloves, which simplifies the handling of the terminals in the production area.