While ITO (indium tin oxide) technology dominates today's touchscreens, silver nanowire technology (SNW) offers many advantages for next-generation devices, which will include curved or rollable touchscreens.

They are more powerful, more available and cheaper. Touchscreens have become an integral part of consumer electronics. They dominate in tablets, laptops, smartphones, desktop monitors, kiosk applications, motor vehicles, GPS systems and wherever. Due to the Windows 8 operating system, they became especially popular in laptops, desktop monitors and so-called all-in-one (AIO) PCs.

Ito close-up 
Most _touchscreens_ use projected capacitive technologies and require a high-quality conductor to provide the user with the best possible user experience. The touch sensors sector is witnessing strong market growth for laptops and AIO/monitors. In the future, Cambrios' ClearOhm will use silver nanowires to achieve high transmission coupled with high conductivity.

Thinner, lighter, stronger

ClearOhm is highly transparent (>98% transmission) with a surface resistance of less than 30 ohms/square. The product is cheaper than ITO and the cost advantage is noticeable depending on the increase in size. The transmission is 92% higher than the 90% of the ITO OGS sensor. Which results in a brighter display, longer battery life, invisible grids and the elimination of the moiré effect. It is thinner, lighter and stronger.

Due to the non-occurring moiré effect, the ClearOhm technology can be used for any LCD panel. The grids are invisible even in sunlight and can also be used with Gorilla Glass. The full article by Dr. Rahul Gupta, Senior Director of Business Development at Cambrios, can be found at the following URL: http://electronicdesign.com/components/what-s-difference-between-silver-nanowire-and-ito-touchscreens

Learn more about this in the following video.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 09. May 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes