Worldwide presence Touchscreen manufacturing and development

Touchscreen Manufacturing and Development: A Global Presence

Thanks to production facilities worldwide, Interelectronix guarantees fast and reliable delivery of your order. Depending on the desired product, batch size, and delivery schedule, we select the appropriate production facility to produce and deliver your order in the best possible way. This flexibility in our production locations ensures optimal delivery times and enables us to offer particularly cost-effective solutions.

Headquarters in Munich: The Nerve Center

Our headquarters in Munich serve as the hub for development, logistics, and overall management. The entire production process is centrally controlled from this location using advanced EAP systems. Additionally, Munich is home to our specialized production line, where we create unique, small-batch finishes tailored to specific needs.

Standorte Touchscreen Fertigung

Strategic Global Manufacturing: Proximity to Key Markets

We strategically locate our manufacturing sites near critical Asian, North American, and European markets to ensure efficient operations and consistent quality. Owning and operating our production facilities is crucial for fostering innovation and securing patents, which helps us maintain a high standard across all products.

Production in Canada: Precision and Specialization

In Canada, we focus on producing 5-wire resistive touch screens. This facility specializes in creating touchscreens for medical technology and military applications, as well as custom touch panels requiring high sensitivity and precision.

Series Production in Asia: Meeting High-Volume Demand

In Asia, particularly in China and Taiwan, we handle the mass production of 4-wire sensors, mainly for smaller displays up to 3.5 inches. These sites adhere to the same rigorous quality standards as our North American and European plants, ensuring that every product meets our strict criteria. This setup allows us to efficiently cater to different market needs, balancing innovation with high-volume production.