Purdue University is one of the largest universities in the United States, based in West Lafayette, Indiana. A research team from this university recently published a report titled "Single-Layer Graphene as a Barrier Layer for Intense UV Laser-Induced Damages for Silver Nanowire Network".

It presents new research results that show what happens when silver nanowires are wrapped with a layer of graphene to protect them from damage, for example by strong UV lasers.

Silver nanowires as ITO replacements

Silver nanowires (SNW = Silver nanowire) are a promising new material that is used for use in flexible displays for computers and consumer electronics and solar cells. If they are wrapped with an ultra-thin layer of carbon (graphene), this protects their structure from damage. Which can be the key to realizing a new commercial potential.

Graphene monolayers protect against damage

The so-called graphene monolayers (SLG = Single Layer Graphene) represent the thinnest protective / barrier layer for broad applications where resistance to oxidation, corrosion, atomic and molecular diffusion, as well as electromagnetic interference and bacterial contamination is ensured.

With the help of these results, it is hoped that silver nanowires will also be suitable for use in harsh environments and with electromagnetic waves in the future. Due to its high transparency, flexibility and electrical conductivity, it has so far been used as an ITO replacement (indium tin oxide) primarily in solar applications, flexible displays and optoelectronic circuits for sensors.

New areas of application possible

These new research results are expected to pave the way for applications in medical imaging, space applications, and applications involving long-term exposure to sunlight.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 21. November 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes