At the end of last year, the Leverkusen-based Heraeus Electronic Materials Division, a global supplier of PPS conductive polymers, announced its partnership with the Korean company DaeHa Mantech. As part of the partnership, the product Clevios F DH will be jointly marketed.

DaeHa Mantech from Korea specializes in the formulation of heat drying and UV PEDOT:PSS used on temperature-sensitive substrates, for example to improve the drying time and temperature stability of polycarbonates and glass.

Available for antistatic highly conductive applications

The product is now already available for antistatic (10E4 Ω / sq.) as well as highly conductive applications with a range up to 100 Ω / sqm. available.

A Clevios hardcoat formulation with high chemical strength as well as high scratch resistance with a pencil hardness of 6-8 H is also available. Especially in areas that require high scratch resistance while maintaining the flexibility of the coated film, Clevios provides a suitable solution.

If you would like to learn more about the new UV and hot air formulation for touch panels, you can find more information about the URL from our source.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 05. June 2023
Reading time: 2 minutes