On the German statistics portal Statisica.com you can find a survey on the number of tablet users in Germany from 2010 to 2015 and forecasts up to 2020 (in millions). The portal bundles statistical data from various institutes and sources and provides concrete information as well as forecasts for the future.

In 2017, the proportion of tablet users in Germany is expected to amount to around 37 percent and is forecast to rise to 40.5 percent by 2020 (source 1).

Prognose Tablet Nutzer Deutschland
#### Image source: Screenshot from Statistica

Tablet PCs are flat, portable computers in a particularly lightweight design which are equipped with a touch screen, which controls the operation of the surface by means of touch input. They are not only used to run private applications, but are also increasingly used as a control unit for human-machine interfaces (called "HMI" for short) in various professional areas.

Tablet use in Germany

According to a Bitkom survey from 2016, tablet computers in Germany are still mainly used at home: One in three tablet users (30%) states that they use their device exclusively at home. And another third (31%) use the tablet computer predominantly at home. Only 6% use their device exclusively or mainly on the go. At home, the most popular places for the tablet computer are the sofa (82%), the bed or the balcony or garden (50% each), the desk (47%) and the kitchen (39%). 7% take their device with them to the bathroom. (Source 2) In addition, tablets can be used at school.

However, the trend of tablet use in companies is growing. Especially in the industrial environment as well as in the field of medical technology, tablets are increasingly being used by personnel to enter information or operate machines.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 08. February 2024
Reading time: 3 minutes