Logistics terminal
Fail-safe touchscreens for warehousing and logistics

Functionally reliable touchscreens for logistics terminals

All over the world, logistics companies across all industries ensure that goods and merchandise always get to where they are needed. The customer expects ever higher performance at low prices, which makes efficient workflows and fail-safe logistics technologies in the logistics terminals an important competitive factor.

The logistics process ranges from order taking to picking and delivery directly to the production line. Touchscreens as a user interface are ideal for supporting workflows efficiently and optimally.

Touchscreen als Bedienelement fuer Geraete im logistischen Bereich 

Individual, fail-safe touchscreens for logistics

Interelectronix develops touchscreen solutions for logistics terminals and mobile devices, drawing on many years of experience to continuously optimize the reliability and durability of the screens. In logistics, especially in the areas of container terminals, cargo, bulk carriers, depots or multipurpose terminals, people often work with thick gloves. Here it is necessary to be able to operate the touchscreen quickly and easily, even with gloves. This is easily possible with the ULTRA Glas Film Glass Touchscreen, as it is a purely pressure-based technology. The operation of the surface is universally possible with gloves, pens, bare finger or cards.

ULTRA - simple, safe and efficient to use

The logistics industry is a challenging environment for touchscreens. Touchscreens are used, for example, to control intralogistics devices (e.g. storage and retrieval machines, transverse transfer cars, robots, high-performance picking systems (HPPS), etc.). Logistics employees must be able to work optimally in order to achieve the required high throughputs with maximum safety, low load and easy handling.

The ULTRA GFG touchscreen helps to easily and clearly enter relevant information on the spot (e.g. the storage location or picking orders). No PC skills are required, which makes the ULTRA safe and efficient to use even in stressful situations.

"We rely on patented technologies and a highly qualified development team in the field of touchscreens. At the locations in Canada and Munich, Germany, we also have the opportunity to adapt the end product individually to customer needs in the logistics sector." Christian Kühn, Managing Director

Impact and scratch resistant ULTRA touchscreens

In order to guarantee the reliability of the touchscreen, we use our ULTRA technology. Our ULTRA touchscreens are extremely robust and durable. High deadline pressure, simple inventory management and simple transport coordination - the ULTRA touchscreen contributes to the smooth coordination of business-critical areas thanks to its simple, fast operability and high reliability.

Robust borosilicate surface

The surface of the resistive ULTRA touchscreen is particularly robust and scratch-resistant. Even cold, wet, dust and scratches do not affect the functionality. The microglass surface not only protects the screen against moisture, but also ensures that dirt and dust cannot harm it.

Since the loading and unloading, storage or transfer of goods does not only take place indoors, a touch screen built into forklifts or other portable devices is often subject to temperature fluctuations.

ULTRA touchscreens are not damaged at temperatures between -40 degrees Celsius and +75 degrees Celsius. So they are also fully functional outdoors.