Cambrios Technologies Corporation is a leading provider of silver nanowire-based solutions in the field of transparent conductors. At the beginning of January 2015, the company announced its collaboration with CEM (Chemical & Electronic Material), a division of LG Electronics (LG).

Close cooperation in the field of touch sensor design

With the new product ClearOhm® Ink developed by Cambrios, LG is able to develop a cost-effective mass production of silver nanowire coated films on touch sensor panels that are more cost-effective than the traditional indium tin oxide (ITO) applied to glass substrate, as well as lighter, thinner and more flexible. The two companies are also working closely together to develop the next generation of silver nanowire-based touch sensors that will offer improved performance, especially in outdoor applications. LG's product range extends from 15.6-inch to 65-inch touchscreen modules for tablets, laptops, all-in-one (AIO) PCs and desktops.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 25. July 2023
Reading time: 2 minutes