Touchscreen technology already makes up a large part of our professional and private lives. Whether we buy our tickets at the ticket machine, buy our drink from the kiosk machine by touch instruction or do our financial transactions not at the counter, but at the ATM. We are constantly surrounded by displays of all sizes that let us look at something and touch it or otherwise interact with us.

EMC-resistant touchscreens

The more devices there are around us, the more electrical energy we are exposed to (e.g. electromagnetic heat rays, electric magnetic fields, etc.) that affect us and our environment. This makes the use of electromagnetically compatible equipment all the more important. There are not many touchscreen manufacturers that produce EMC-resistant touchscreens for electrically disruptive environments.

Ideal for medical and military applications

Touchscreens from Interelectronix are among those that are characterized by particularly good electromagnetic compatibility. They can therefore be used reliably in environments where many interfering signals occur. This is the case in the field of military and medical (high-frequency devices, ISM devices). If the shielding is poor, interference radiation can not only affect other devices. They also lead to the failure of one's own electronics and thus represent a double risk factor.

Types of EMC interference

The type of disorder to avoid may be different. There are dynamic disturbances, static disturbances, conducted disturbances or even field-bound disturbances (interference fields).

EMV Störungen an einem Touchscreen 
Especially in the field of military and medical technology, tests for the best EMC compatibility values are therefore unavoidable. In these EMC tests, the patented GFG ULTRA touchscreen from Interelectronix performs particularly well.

Types of EMC tests

The touchscreen manufacturer Interelectronix from Hofolding near Munich offers four types of EMC tests:

  • Galvanic coupling -Capacitive coupling
  • Inductive coupling
  • Radiation coupling

The GFG ULTRA Touch, finished with ITO Mesh, is optimally designed to meet the highest requirements in terms of interference radiation, RF shielding and electromagnetic compatibility and complies with the EN61000 4-6 Class A standard. For more information on the EMC resistance of touchscreens, please visit our website.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 28. July 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes