In its analysis _Quarterly Mobile PC Shipment and Report_Forecast, published at the beginning of February, the market analysis by the market research company NPD DisplaySearch forecasts enormous growth of up to 455 million euros for the tablet PC market in 2017.

Falling Prices and Display Technology Advances

According to NPD DisplaySearch, the reason for this growth is falling prices and advances in display technology. As more and more new technologies and features conquer the market, consumers will be provided with more choices in the future. You have greater freedom to choose between oxide, LTPS, AMOLED (= active-matrix organic light-emitting diode) and other display technologies, a large number of screen sizes (e.g. 7", 8.4", 10.5") and higher resolutions.


What Drives Growth

In the recently published report, you will not only learn what is driving growth in the mobile PC market. It also provides information on which Tablet PCs will challenge the iPad, what the trend is, or how the popularity of Tablet PCs and Mini Notes will affect Notebook PC sales. You will also find answers to the questions of which companies are represented in which regions and why, as well as facts about the size of the mobile PC market - both regionally and worldwide.

According to Displaysearch, the switch to smaller sizes brings a price advantage, especially for the economically weak, so-called emerging regions (e.g. Eastern Europe, China, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa). Half of the 2014 forecast Tablet PC sales in these regions are expected to be for devices that retail for less than $200.

The full report can be purchased on the website of the market research company at the following URL:

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 25. April 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes